Pros and Cons of Holy Trinity DoctrineThe Holy
Trinity Doctrine was established at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.
Throughout the centuries the
Trinity has faced much controversy.
Few understand that by viewing the
Trinity differently; then one also views God differently.
Saint Gregory the Theologian expressed the
Trinity as the following: "adorable unity in trinity, and trinity recapitulated in unity; entirely venerable, entirely regal, of the same throne and glory, transcendent and timeless, uncreated, indivisible, untouchable, and uncircumscribable." The theological term "Trinity" is the explanation of the Christian belief of God as an undivided unity in threefold; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This term is not actually used in scripture, but the structure of the Trinity is outlined throughout the New Testament.
The Holy
Trinity Doctrine has had measurable amount of controversy over the centuries. Dating back to the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, when the doctrine was established, various view points were offered to the Council. There is the Orthodox view which is established in Orthodox Theology, the Tritheism, and the Unitarianism. There are variations on each of these points of view, but mainly all go back to these three. The Tritheism belief is that there are three separate Gods. This would sustain the belief of a Christian polytheism. The Unitarianism view focuses on the aspect of God the Father. With this understanding, Christ and the Holy Spirit are placed in separate categories than God the Father, thus making them not divine. In order to understand the pros and cons of the separate beliefs one must understand the Orthodox Theology.
St. Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430 AD) is noted to be one of the earliest Theologians. He is documented as explaining the
Trinity as; "a person exists as one being with three dimensions of memory, understanding and will; so as the Godhead exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit." In Orthodox Theology there are several fundamental beliefs that establish The Holy Trinity Doctrine. The first is that God is transcendent. God is the absolute highest deity. The second is that even though God is transcendent, He is not from the world which He created. The key to Orthodox Theology regarding the Trinity is that it distinguishes between God's "essence" and His "energies." The core, Orthodox Theology follows the Cappodocian Fathers of the early church that believed in the Incarnate God, which means that God came to earth as man, not only with His "energies" but as His own person. There is only one God, because there is only one Father. This was the Cappodocian Fathers belief. With this understanding, God is the main focus of the Godhead. This is proven by when Orthodox Theology refers to the "monarchy" of the Father.
The differences of theology between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church begin to occur at this point. In Orthodox Theology, the Father is the principle figure of the Godhead. The Son is born of the father and the Spirit proceeds from the Father. In the Roman Catholic Church they believe that the spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.
During the early church there were several thoughts regarding the interpretation of the Holy
Trinity scriptures. Early theologian, Sabellius believed that the Trinity did not represent three distinct persons, but "varying "aspects" of deity". This movement of understanding takes God from a personal God to that more of an abstract concept of deity. This is an important difference in theology. If God is a personal God, then one can establish a personal relationship with this God. This God is active and invested in the believers life. An abstract, impersonal God that is removed from the believer cannot be invested in the life of the believer and therefore can not be a compassionate God that would have sent Christ for the redemption of His people.
For each Christian, it is significant for them to understand the difference between worshiping one absolutely transcendent God, verses three separate gods that resemble that of the ancient Greek Gods. The other important discovery is that if God is a personal God that desires to be completely invested in their life or that of an abstract concept of deity and power.
Sawchak, Father Timothy. N.d. "God In
Trinity" Retrieved on June 2nd, 2009 from
Trinity Orthodox Church.
"The Doctrine of the Holy
Trinity." (1996-2008) Retrieved on June 1st, 2009 from
Orthodox Church in America
Papademetriou, Rev. Dr. George. N.d. "The Doctrine of the Holy
Trinity." Retrieved on May 31st, 2009 from Greek Orthodox School of Theology.
Tenney, Merrill C. (1963) "
Trinity" retrieved on June 2nd, 2009 from
Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary.
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Pgs. 871 - 872
Butler, Trent C. (1991) "
Trinity" retrieved on June 2nd, 2009 from
Holman Bible Dictionary.
Holman Bible Publishers
Pgs. 1372 - 1374